
The Machine Room

In the “News from the machine room” article series, we regularly post content detailing exciting new products and relevant updates to our wide range of offerings. Would you like to try out for yourself what we write about here? Simply create a free account.

Identity and access management

With our new identity and access management, we have created the basis for many new functions on our platform. Users of our multi-client-capable partner panel in particular are already enjoying the first new functions. Users can now be assigned to any number of clients.

User directory

We also rolled out another new feature last week – our user directory in the Partner Panel. With the user directory, our partners can conveniently keep track of their clients’ users, manage them and create relations.

New documentation of our API

The new version of our API documentation has recently gone online. We have switched from slate to ReDoc for our API documentation. The documentation is now automatically generated from our OpenAPI description(also known as Swagger). The switch to OpenAPI is based on our efforts to rely on an established standard in the documentation form of APIs. Furthermore, the entire provisioning process for our documentation is automated – making it more up-to-date and less prone to errors.

Feature comparison Expert Panel – S3 browser

Our front-end team has taken on the S3 browser in the Expert Panel and completely revised it. The S3 browser in the Expert Panel now offers the same functions as in the Easy Panel (drag & drop). The uploading of objects to the Object Storage is done automatically in the background.

Constant improvements to our panels – user experience for the win!

The user experience on our platform is very important to us – if you look at our release notes, you can see the many small, constant works of our frontend team. The result pleases me from week to week – it’s the supposed little things like being able to switch between Easy and Expert panels at any point in the panels and always ending up at the same place in the panel that make day-to-day work with our front end a real pleasure.

Terraform Provider

We have already started the feedback process for gridscale as a Terraform provider with some of our customers. Terraform is the de facto standard for mapping infrastructure-as-code. With the first version of the gridscale terraform provider, we now offer the possibility to orchestrate our platform via terraform.

Last, but certainly not least – our Ruby library fog-gridscale, as well as foreman-gridscale, are now also available via

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