The Top 5 Cloud Studies for the German market
Where to find high-quality data on cloud development
Outlining a business plan, preparing the next presentation or simply gaining an overview: reliable data on cloud development in Germany is crucial. Keeping this in mind, our author and IT analyst, Dr. Andreas Stiehler, conducted an investigation about recent studies on cloud development in the German market. He summarizes his findings in this blog post; a brief profile of the studies reviewed can be found in the attachment.
There is no such thing as the THE cloud study: It’s worth taking a closer look
Five study reports were reviewed for this article (profiles in the attachment):
- KPMG »Cloud-Monitor 2022«
- Bitkom »Cloud-Report 2023«
- IDG-Studie »Cloud-Migration 2023«
- WEKA-Studie »Cloud-Strategien 2022/23«
- IDC-Studie »Cloud in Deutschland 23«
Together, they focus on cloud development in the German market. Nevertheless, they exhibit significant differences in terms of content, methodology, and the manner in which results are processed.

It is always worth examining the survey methodology and sample composition when using or reusing study results. After all, it naturally makes a difference whether the sample contains a significant proportion of very small companies (as in the WEKA study) or only companies with 100 or more employees, as in the IDC study. It is also clear that a survey and evaluation methodology based on scientific standards (including a stratified and sufficiently large random sample, computer-assisted telephone survey, weighting of the results), as in the KPMG Cloud Monitor and the Bitkom Cloud Report, promises significantly higher validity of the results than simple surveys via an online panel.
However, it’s important to note that there is no single ‘best,’ ‘most important,’ or ‘largest’ cloud study. The choice depends on specific information requirements. For comprehensive information on the state of cloud migration and related aspects, the IDG study may be preferred. Those seeking data on the significance of local providers are more likely to find it in the WEKA study, while IDC focuses on current topics associated with cloud usage, such as modern cloud-native or financial management concepts. If you’re looking for representative data on the cloud adoption of German companies with 10 or more employees over time, consulting the KPMG Cloud Monitor or the Bitkom Cloud Report is advisable.
Studies confirm the relevance of current cloud trends
Despite the different focus, the various studies largely coincide in their basic statements on the status and development of cloud adoption in Germany. They are unanimous in their findings:
- High investment momentum is expected for cloud solutions in 2023. Cloud migration is far from saturating the market, and many companies are eager to increase the share of cloud workloads, leading to rising cloud budgets.→ See the cloud studies by Bitkom, IDG and IDC, among others
- A hybrid Multi Cloud architecture is the new normal. The cloud world is and remains heterogeneous. Many companies rely on different cloud models and providers, whether for technical, financial or strategic reasons. However, this also increases the complexity and demands on cloud management.→ see IDG, WEKA and KPMG studies, among others
- Sovereign local offerings of increasing importance. Data sovereignty has become much more important in recent years. More and more companies are trying to avoid dependence on individual large providers. If the range of services is attractive, local providers are preferred.→ see WEKA, IDC and Bitkom study, among others

Study results provide insight into related topics and new material for discussion
The studies also provide exciting insights into other topics that are becoming increasingly important as cloud migration progresses:
- The use of the cloud harbors both opportunities and risks for “sustainable IT operations”.
According to the managers surveyed for the Bitkom Cloud Report, it simplifies sustainability reporting (59%) and supports resource-efficient IT operations (57%). At the same time, however, cloud migration also increases the hunger for resources (76%) and the lack of transparency with regard to resource consumption (48%). - With the increasing proportion of cloud workloads, professional cost management is becoming more important.
Almost half of the companies surveyed as part of the IDC Cloud Study (47%) are already using FinOps – a holistic concept for cloud cost management that aims to involve all stakeholders, achieve complete transparency and automate action steps. - Cloud migration increases the risk of cyber attacks.
According to the Bitkom Cloud Report, more than a quarter of German companies (27%) have been confronted with cyber attacks on their cloud environment – although in the majority of cases (26%) the impact was significantly reduced by their own security measures. See also the WEKA Cloud Study, which comes to similar conclusions with regard to cloud cyber risks. - Cloud migration is not a one-way street.
According to the IDG Cloud Study, 28% of the companies surveyed have already “rolled back” applications from the cloud back to their on-premise data centers. A further 21% plan to do so in the near future. Such rollbacks do not necessarily mean a failure of the cloud migration, they can also be economically justified – as explained in this gridscale blog post. - Cloud data center locations remain a key selection criterion!
According to the Bitkom Cloud Report, this applies to more than 80% of companies – whereby data centers in the USA are a no-go for 56%, in the rest of Europe for 73%, outside the EU for 73% and in Russia for 100% of companies.
Short profiles
The brief profiles provide an overview of the content of the five cloud studies.
Established long-term study shows changes over time “Cloud Monitor”, KPMG (ed.) in collaboration with Bitkom Research, June 2022.
Classic design with spotlights on current topics “Cloud Report 2023: What role does the cloud play for the German economy”, Bitkom e.V.
Comprehensive and in-depth survey “Cloud Migration 2023”, by CIO, CSO and Computerwoche (ed.)
Focus on local providers “Cloud Strategies 2022/23” by connect professional, connect channel and LANline (ed.)
New implementation concepts “Cloud in Germany 23”, International Data Corporation (IDC), April 2023