Partner Panel

All in place, all under control. The Partner Panel is the management centre for your entire cloud business. Manage clients, set prices, activate functions and locations for your customers in the Cloud Panel and much more. Structured dashboards give you direct access to key accounts and visualize important business metrics such as revenues, resource usage and billing details. If required, you can integrate all data into your existing systems via the Partner Panel API and completely automate many processes.

teaser partner panel

Focus on what is most important

Up-to-date key figures are the be-all and end-all for decision-makers. Especially when they concern sales, costs and business success. The interactive start page of the Partner Panel gives you a management summary of all aggregated figures in real time. Most important customers, latest invoices or profit margin: we want you to always keep a good overview. A status page also informs you continuously about service availability, maintenance windows and the current status quo of all services and locations provided.

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feature management

Central tenant administration

You can set up an account, for example, to create and manage new customers or internal projects including their corresponding master data and access rights. The feature assignment helps you to define which functions and services, but also which data center locations in the gridscale partner ecosystem can be utilized and consumed by your tenants and cloud users. If necessary, you can limit the scope for configuring the respective infrastructure for each customer. Misuse or even inadvertent use of excessive cloud resources can thus be effectively prevented.

Price lists and discount functions

Whether standard prices or customer-specific: define all parameters for your accounts in detail. This is valid for all services and for all gridscale locations you offer in the cloud ecosystem. Cost calculators and discount planners support you in pricing and offer you many options for temporary discounts, for example, as part of your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Design and Communication

Your customers. Your cloud. In the Partner Panel, the branding module gives you all the freedom you need to adapt the functional elements visible to your users in the login dialog and cloud panel to your own corporate design. Logos, colours, fonts, buttons, backgrounds – with just a few clicks, gridscale becomes your very own cloud. With the help of your individual SMTP configuration, ongoing customer communication can also be personalised without gridscale appearing as the sender.

Are you ready to start?

Or do you still have questions? Arrange a personal consultation now or set up your Enterprise Cloud.

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