GPU Instances

gridscale now delivers high-performance computing to small and midsize businesses, enabling better, algorithm-based decisions and processes in your everyday business. Recommendation Marketing? Simulations? Machine Learning? Boost your IT infrastructure with gridscale GPU for sophisticated deployment scenarios for highly compute-intensive tasks. Perfect also for temporary project workloads!

Simple, fast, risk-free. Why wait and not start?

Advantages at a glance

More sales and more success
Truly understand customers. Revolutionize product development. Improve processes. Your data is the key to success. With gridscale GPU and advanced AI tools, you’ll discover new patterns and correlations in your business. Use it to your advantage!

At the forefront
Data science and machine learning have become part of everyday business. Take the lead, combine GPU instances with your cloud infrastructure and make your IT even more powerful. With gridscale, it’s much easier than you think. Try it out!

Start now and benefit quickly
Create and train any AI and machine learning models in minutes. Use popular tools like TensorFlow, Pytorch, RAPIDS or Conda. IT operations take place on dedicated bare-metal servers. Exclusively and securely according to your specifications!

Maximum security and customer exclusivity

gridscale eliminates the usual expensive investment and operating costs for high-performance hardware and lets you effectively take advantage of all opportunities in the area of parallel data processing on an as-needed basis. gridscale GPU is quick and easy to set up and is billed by the minute based on usage time. This provides smaller companies, scientific institutions and developers in particular with flexible and uncomplicated access to modern methods of Big Data, Machine Learning and process optimization. Whether in marketing or product development, in healthcare or the financial sector.

Technologically, the new range is based on the powerful graphics processors of the AMD MI210 series. In contrast to many global cloud providers, operation is not performed on virtualized multi-client systems, but on individually configurable bare metal servers.

This not only significantly increases performance and efficiency, but also makes a decisive contribution to data security. Especially in the case of sensitive or personal business data, absolute confidentiality and adherence to even the strictest compliance guidelines during processing are guaranteed in this way.

GPU Instances at a glance

Database Market-leading GPU processors based on AMD MI210

100+ times more processing power than CPU architecture

Private Cloud Provided as freely configurable single tenant cloud

Customer-assigned bare-metal servers (no multi-tenant system)

Individual setups and highly scalable resources

GDPR compliant operating environment in cert. TIER 3 data centers

Partner Support with migration & onboarding as with data take-out

Interoperability with popular AI, ML, and Big Data applications

Public Cloud Embedding in private and hybrid cloud architectures

Short runtimes with minute-by-minute billing

We are sharing our insights!

GPU Teaser

The discussion of new concepts for IT infrastructure operation usually focuses on main memory, processor performance (CPU), databases or networks. In contrast, the performance of Graphics Processing Units, GPU for short, seemed to be more a topic for researchers, gamers and crypto miners. This picture has changed significantly in view of the huge potential and increasing acceptance of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. Enterprises that want to future-proof their dataprocessing should seriously consider cloud-based GPU deployment.

We are sharing our insights with you. On our corporate blog and through detailed market studies, field reports and white papers. The spotlight article by IT analyst Dr. Andreas Stiehler (in German only) on the adoption of AI and GPU in German SMBs provides a concise summary of current developments as well as helpful recommendations for action. Find out more now.

Are you ready to start?

Or do you still have questions? Arrange a personal consultation now or set up your Enterprise Cloud.

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