14 Days Free Trial!
- 14 days full access to our cloud services
- Build your cloud infrastructure without IT skills
- Rely on a fully managed infrastructure
- Enjoy 24/7 customer service at eye level
- 100 % GDPR compliant
Just Try It Yourself!
We want you to be able to build a complex server infrastructure as quickly and easily as possible. That’s why we focus on intuition and usability. But we can tell you a lot – so just try it out yourself! For 14 days, without any obligation.
Enjoy Many Advantages
Simple resource scaling
24/7 support at eye level
Schrems II & DSGVO compliant
Save time, money and nerves
Independent auditors confirm – gridscale is certified
ISO 27001
Certified setup, implementation and maintenance of a documented information security management system.
ISO 27018
Certified personal data protection in a cloud. Protection and compliance with data protection requirements for cloud providers.
Trusted Cloud Service
BMWi label for transparency, security and reliable criteria for cloud use in SMEs.
Certified Cloud 2021
Quality label for SaaS or infrastructure solutions. Compliance with technical, contractual, and service standards.
Still Skeptical?
Don’t worry, you really don’t have to be. This is not a subscription trap, there are no hidden costs, dubious contracts or any catch. We are just damn confident about our cloud service! So – just give it a try, after all, there’s nothing to lose! 🚀