Your Link to the Experts

If you would like to learn more about our services, have questions about a proof of concept, want to set up a free trial account or need an expert assessment of your use case, simply schedule a no-obligation consultation. We are here for you!

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Fill out the form and our team will get back to you within 24 hours.


gridscale GmbH
Oskar-Jäger-Straße 173
D-50825 Köln
+49 221 9999 26 00

VAT-ID: DE 2 96 27 27 29

Register Court:
HRB 97235 / Amtsgericht Cologne

Represented by:
Henrik Hasenkamp, Marc Dittmann

Always with you: your personal advisor

Fixed contact person in all project phases
From planning to migration to the ongoing operation of your infrastructure, you enjoy the fast and personal support of a fixed contact person.
Individual and at eye level
No project is like the other. We know this and therefore respond to the specific wishes of our customers. We find the right solution for every requirement.
Reachable at any time
You won’t find endless queues or ticket systems with us. If you have questions or problems, you can reach your contact person directly.