How to take your business to the next level using a white label solution
Delivering the best quality to your customers and supporting your clients in their growth- these are the most common challenges you face as an agency or system house. But these goals often require a tremendous amount of resources. Therefore it is unavoidable for you to always work as efficiently as possible. Especially for creative agencies that provide their customers with reliability and services at the highest level, a whitelabel solution can have a significant effect on their business growth.
It is very praiseworthy that many agencies want to develop their own solutions that further improve their services. In most cases, white labelling is not only the more cost effective solution, but also the better one. You want to know why? Then this article is written just for you.
What is a White Label?
White labelling basically means that at least two companies are involved in a product or service – one produces the product/service and the other acquires a license to sell the product using its own brand or label.
To explain the white label process i wanna use a trivial example. Let’s say you own an ice cream shop and you’ve been selling ice cream for years and your customers love your ice cream. Now a new trend is suddenly emerging and everyone is asking you when you will finally have Frozen Yoghurt for sale. Of course, you don’t want to refuse your customers any wishes and want to keep them with you, but you have neither the equipment nor the staff to produce frozen yoghurt in addition to the normal ice cream.
That’s why you outsource the work to a supplier who has specialized in the production of frozen yoghurt. The manufacturer will deliver the Frozen Yoghurts to you and all you have to do is put your own label on them and sell them to your now even happier customers. Normally this is a SaaS business model, where the end user would subscribe or “rent” your services, that you contract and brand from a white label provider.
Your offer has expanded and you can now continue to make your customers happy without disrupting your internal processes.
What is the difference between white label and private label?
White label normally refers to rebranding software services, where as private labelling normally refers to products or services.
Is a white label solution the right thing for my business?
Often it is very difficult as a responsible person in a company to make decisions that can significantly influence the further course of the business. Therefore, I would like to help you here and show you with these points whether it makes sense for you to consider a white label solution or not.
- Your available resources are almost completely utilized and therefore you are always looking for solutions to work as resource efficient as possible
- Your customers trust your brand and would therefore not hesitate to use other products/services from you
- You want to put your full focus on your core business and leave everything else to other experts to ensure the best possible quality as well
- You want to work with a reliable partner who will support you in areas that are not your core business
- You are very innovative and your customers expect you to constantly expand and improve your product portfolio
Do any of these points apply to you? Then stay with me
Oft ist es als Verantwortlicher in einem Unternehmen sehr schwierig, Entscheidungen zu treffen, die den weiteren Geschäftsverlauf maßgeblich beeinflussen können. Deshalb möchte ich euch hier helfen und euch mit diesen Punkten zeigen, ob es für euch sinnvoll ist, eine White-Label-Lösung in Betracht zu ziehen oder nicht.
- Eure verfügbaren Ressourcen sind fast komplett ausgelastet und deshalb seid ihr immer auf der Suche nach Lösungen, um so ressourcensparend wie möglich zu arbeiten.
- Eure Kunden vertrauen eurer Marke und würden daher ohne Frage auch andere Produkte/Dienstleistungen von euch nutzen.
- Ihr wollt euch ganz auf euer Kerngeschäft konzentrieren und alles andere anderen Experten überlassen, um auch dort die bestmögliche Qualität zu gewährleisten.
- Ihr wollt mit einem zuverlässigen Partner zusammenarbeiten, der euch in Bereichen unterstützt, die nicht zu eurem Kerngeschäft zählen.
- Euer Business ist sehr innovativ und eure Kunden erwarten von euch, dass ihr euer Produktportfolio ständig erweitert und verbessert.
Trifft einer dieser Punkte auf euch zu? Dann schaut euch jetzt unbedingt an, worauf ihr achten solltet, wenn ihr eine White Label Lösung in Betracht zieht.
Must haves for your white label provider
Finding the right provider for a white label solution can sometimes be difficult. Therefore I have listed here for you some important points you should pay attention to.
- A real white label solution – some solutions display their own logo at the bottom of each “white labelled” page, make sure that you can sell the solution 100% as your own
- Testimonials and use cases from customers you can rely on
- No hidden costs – instead a full price transparency
- State of the art security – especially for all digital solutions that deal with your data
- You can determine the prices for your own clients yourself
- You can decide for yourself which features and settings you provide to which customers
- A good reputation when it comes to providing their customers with high-quality products.
- Customer support at eye level that really helps when it count.
Become a Cloud Reseller with gridscale
If you, as an agency or system house are still looking for a reliable cloud solution, gridscale offers you exactly that. With gridscale you can become a reseller on the cloud market and sell a reliable, innovative cloud solution using your own brand.
Join thousands of other customers working with gridscale. Learn more here.